Software Setup - Sensors and Actuators

Controller Sony DualShock 4 V2

Connect the Controller via bluetooth

sudo bluetoothctl

Enable the agent and set it as default:

[bluetooth]# agent on
[bluetooth]# default-agent

Power on the Bluetooth controller, and set it as discoverable and pairable:

[bluetooth]# power on
[bluetooth]# discoverable on
[bluetooth]# pairable on

Scan for devices:

[bluetooth]# scan on

Put the DualShock 4 into pairing mode by pressing and holding the PlayStation and Share buttons until the light bar starts flashing.

Discover the DualShock 4 MAC address:

[bluetooth]# devices

Pair with the DualShock 4:

[bluetooth]# pair DC:0C:FF:B2:79:EE

Allow the service authorization request:

[agent]Authorize service service_uuid (yes/no): yes

Trust the DualShock 4:

[bluetooth]# trust DC:0C:FF:B2:79:EE

The DualShock 4 is now paired.

Turn the DualShock 4 off when it’s no longer in use by pressing and holding the PlayStation button for 10 seconds. Press the PlayStation button to use the DualShock 4 again.

Test the controller

sudo apt-get install joystick
ls /dev/input 
jstest /dev/input/js0

Realsense d435i camera

Run the racecarx docker container in interactive mode


Run the firmware update tool and print the connected devices

rs-fw-update -l

My oputput looks like this

connected devices:
1) Name: Intel RealSense D435I, serial number: xxxxxxxxx, update serial number: xxxxxxxx, firmware version:, USB type: 3.2

Find the latest firmware and copy its link latest firmware

download and install latest firmware. See also here

cd /tmp
apt update # gets the index
apt-get install unzip # installs unzip
rs-fw-update -f Signed_Image_UVC_5_12_6_0.bin

we should see the updated firmware version

rs-fw-update -l

After the update my output looks like this:

connected devices:
1) Name: Intel RealSense D435I, serial number: xxxxxxxxx, update serial number: xxxxxxxx, firmware version:, USB type: 3.2

Focbox Electronic Speed Control

SparkFun 9DoF Razor IMU M0

Install Arduino Firmware as described here

RPLidar A1M8

Installation consists of proper configuration of UDEV rules.